Under Section 17-A of the Goa Town & Country Planning Act, 1974, No occupier of any hilly or sloppy land or any low lying land shall, by himself or through his servants or agents or any other persons, undertake the work of cutting of any hilly or sloppy land or filling up of any low lying land, in, over or upon any hilly or sloppy land, as the case may be, without obtaining the prior written permission from the Chief Town Planner.
Explanation:- For the purpose of Section 17A. –
- “low lying land” means and includes any land below 50 cms. or more than from the adjoining ground level;
- “hilly land or sloppy land” means and includes any land having a gradient of 1:10 or more.
The application Section 17A of the Goa Town and Country Planning Act,1974 shall be submitted along with the application for Technical Clearance/Development Permission.
Documents to be submitted for permission under Section 17A of the Goa Town and Country Planning Act,1974:
- Form I & XIV.
- Ownership documents.
- Certified copy of Survey Plan.
- Contour Plan of the property (with Contour interval of 1 mt to the scale of not less than 1:500, clearly showing reference point/mark. (Blue print signed by Engineer/ Owner.
- Site Plan showing the existing drainage pattern and proposed drainage pattern in scale not less than 1:500.
- Plan & Cross-section showing extent of cutting/filling in relation to scale 1:200 along with proposed structure/building if any.
- Longitudinal and cross-section to scale 1:200, explaining the central Topography of land.
- Design of proposal for construction of retaining wall, if any with plans, elevations, section to a scale not less than 1:200.
- Proposed landscape plan. (Location of existing trees if any within the plot)
- Photographs of the site from 2 to 3 different angles with date.
- Valid Conversion Sanad.